Kick-Off of the Network of Drought Observatories in the EU
June 16th-17th 2022

The meeting gathered experts in drought monitoring, forecasting and management from EU Member States, meteorological services, international bodies, and research institutions.It provided an overview of the state-of-the-art of Drought Observatories in the EU, both from a scientific/technical and from an operational point of view (Thu 16 June). Short and medium-term challenges, and needs for development were identified and discussed, laying out the scope and roadmap for the network (Fri 17 June).
The event offered an opportunity to engage and connect with drought experts across the EU, as well as to participate to the information gathering effort within the EDORA project.

Day one - Scientific and Technical background

Speaker Title
A. Zampieri
Head of Disaster Risk Management Unit, EC Joint Research Centre
Welcome and foreword
A. Toreti
Droughts Team Leader, Disaster Risk Management Unit, EC Joint Research Centre
Introduction to the meeting and agenda
M. Giuliani
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
FRIDA - A new approach to drought characterization - PDF
S. Vicente-Serrano
Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, Spanish National Research Council, Spain
A near real-time drought monitoring system for Spain using automatic weather station network - PDF
E. Matta, A. Castelletti
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Enhancing Climate services: H2020-CLINT - PDF
J. Zscheischler
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany
Compound events: DAMOCLES COST Action - PDF
S. Pascale
University of Bologna, Italy
Quantifying drought risk through multiple large ensembles: the case of Cape Town 2015-17 and Central American 2015-19 multiyear drought - PDF
D. Miralles
Ghent University, Belgium
Land–atmosphere feedbacks during droughts - PDF
Y. Du
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sweden
Assessment of seasonal forecast performance of hydrological extremes over Europe - PDF
E. Xoplaki
Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
Building an AI-supported modular early warning system for Germany - PDF
M. Kuglitsch
Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Germany
ITU-WMO-UNEP Focus Group - AI for Natural Disaster Management - PDF
C. Cammalleri
EC Joint Research Centre
Drought events identification and tracking
A. Ceglar
European Central Bank
Drought impacts on agriculture - PDF
L. Labudova
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Slovakia
Drought impact monitoring network in Slovakia - PDF
M. Bláhová
Czech Globe, Czechia
Operational monitoring of drought impacts in Czechia - PDF
M. Helms
Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany
The Low-Flow Year 2018 in Germany - Impact, Hydrological Analysis and Management Approaches - PDF
M. Pasqui
R. Magno, National Research Council, Italy
Climate drought services for the society - PDF
J. Hannaford
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, United Kingdom
Advances in drought monitoring and early warning in the UK - PDF
L. Balatonyi
EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Environmental Risks Priority Area – PA5, Hungary
Water scarcity and drought in the Danube region - Environmental Risks of EUSDR - PDF
K. Smith
National Drought Mitigation Center, USA
The Drought Impact Reporter, Tuning in to drought chatter: Detecting deviation from expectation - PDF
A. Jacob
European Academy of Bozen - EURAC, Italy
The Alpine Drought Observatory – Web Portal Design and Data Access Strategies - PDF
D. Cotti
United Nations University – UNU-EHS, Germany
A review of drought impacts and risk assessments in the EU27 countries (EDORA project): gaps and lessons learned - PDF

Day two - Network of Drought Observatories in the EU

Speaker Title
M. Sapiano
Energy & Water Agency of Malta
The use of drought indices in Malta and hydrological monitoring needs - PDF
J. Álvarez Rodríguez
General Directorate for Water, Ministry for the Ecological Transition, Spain
Spanish National Drought Observatory - PDF
V. Cabrinha Pires
Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Institute, Portugal
Drought monitoring in Portugal - PDF
P. Molnár
General Directorate of Water Management, Hungary
Drought monitoring in Hungary - Early warning and decision support - PDF
D. Alexandru
Agrometeorology Dept., National Meteorological Administration, Romania
Drought monitoring in Romania - PDF
A. Sušnik
G. Gregorič, Slovenian Environment Agency, Slovenia
Drought indices and impacts in the Alpine space (ADO project) - PDF
K. Ehlert
Integrated Drought Management Programme, World Meteorological Organization
WMO work on drought preparedness – GDCS, IDMP and projects - PDF
D. Behrendt Kaljarikova
European Commission DG Environment
The WFD CIS Ad-hoc Task Group on Water Scarcity and Droughts - PDF
W.J. Goossen
European Commission DG Climate Action - CLIMA
The new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, implications for droughts - PDF
T. De Groeve
European Commission Joint Research Centre
Science pillar to the Knowledge Network of the Civil Protection Union and the Disaster Risk Knowledge Management Centre (DMKRC)
W. Maetens, D. Masante
European Commission Joint Research Centre
The Network of Drought Observatories in the EU: goals and scope - PDF
P. Thunis
European Commission Joint Research Centre
The Forum for Air quality Modeling (FAIRMODE), lessons to a successful technical-scientific network - PDF